2024 Course Selection


At Manurewa High School we have a diverse range of programmes and courses to choose from including Waananga and AkoConnect. They prepare students for a range of National Qualifications including National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA) Levels, 1, 2 and 3. 

Each year level has a slightly different program of study and a number of options to choose. See the table below to see what you will need to choose.  


Use ARA to browse, learn and select your options. REWAlise your potential.  Your choice, your pathway, your future....

We have a Pathway for you! Read thoroughly, think carefully, consult widely and choose wisely so you can make an informed choice about your pathway.


2024 Year Level

Compulsory Courses

Option Course



Year 9

Aotearoa New Zealand Histories (1 Term)


Health and Physical Education



Social Studies

Technology (1 Term) 

Te Reo Maaori (1 Term) 

2 Art Options (2 Terms each)
Language Option (1 Term) 

Choose 4 – 

1 for each term

Choose 4 – 

1 for each term

Year 10 


Health and Physical Education



Social Studies

Choose 2 options – they will be whole year courses

Choose 4 – 

1 for each term

Choose 4 – 

1 for each term

Year 11




Choose 2 options – they will be whole year courses

Choose 4 –

1 for each term

Choose 4 –

1 for each term

Year 12

There are no compulsory courses for Year 12 students

Choose 5 options – they will be whole year courses

Choose 4 –

1 for each term

Choose 4 –

1 for each term

Year 13

There are no compulsory courses for Year 13 students

Choose 5 options – they will be whole year courses

Choose 4 –

1 for each term

Choose 4 –

1 for each term