Level 2 English: Puuraakau

Course Description

Teacher in Charge:

Exploring Puuraakau and Te Ao Maaori through English

Students will engage in kaupapa Maaori approaches to explore Puuraakau and Te Ao Maaori in texts. This includes considering how narratives and views on the origins of spaces, places, and historical figures have been represented in texts and how this influences the wider world. Students will extend on this topic to consider the implications of representation and storytelling on power structures and society. Students will also create their own texts that fit within the tradition of puuraakau to contribute to this dialogue. This course is open to students who want to engage in their cultural identities as Maaori, as well as students who want to grow their knowledge of puuraakau and te ao Maaori, in the context of English. As part of this course students may explore reliable and unreliable narration, the link between origin stories and identity, and the relationship between power and story telling.
