Manurewa High School Manurewa High School

Year 10 Music Academy

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs D. Louman.

Recommended Prior Learning

Students should have been in the Year 9 Music academy (09MUO) and their place needs to be confirmed by the HOLA of Music and the Academy Director.  Students who have not taken 09MUO must have some prior experience playing a concert band instrument e.g. flute, saxophone etc., (not guitar) and have rudimentary knowledge of reading music.

Students will be selected for the Year 10 Music Academy class according to their Year 9 music exam results and their expertise on a Concert Band Instrument OR a proficient contemporary level of skill. This will require a formal audition at the end of Year 9. Students will work regularly as a concert band in class time, and will be required to practise in their own time. In this way they will gain the necessary technical skills to do well in NCEA Level 1 the following year. Students will also work at music theory, aural skills, and will study music works. Students will be expected to – participate in itinerant lessons; be part of the Concert Band, Jazz Band, or appropriate instrumental ensemble; take opportunities to sit grade examinations.


Level 1 Music

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Students will be loaned a band instrument ( if they don’t own one)