Level 1

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Current Year 10 Students if you have no career in mind, don?t panic. Most students do not make up their minds about a career until much later. However, you should start thinking about what you might like to do. Look at the subjects you are interested in or are good at and discuss your strengths and weaknesses with your whānau.

All students study six courses. All students study English, Mathematics and Science. The class level will be decided by the relevant Head of Learning based on your performance and ability in Year 10, along with your potential.

In most cases, the courses you choose will be either ones you have already studied or a new course which was not available at Year 10. 

If you wish to begin a course in Level 1 which others have been studying in Year 10, then you should obtain advice from the Head of Learning of the specific learning area. If you wish to study a language at Level 1 you must have taken it in Year 10. 

All Level 1 courses now offer Achievement Standards, Unit Standards, or a mixture of both.  The credits from these assessments can be totaled and go towards the National Certificate of Educational Achievement. 

Level Endorsement - Merit or Excellence 

Obtained if 50 Merit and/or Excellence credits are achieved.


Course Endorsement - Merit or Excellence 

Obtained if 14 Merit and/or Excellence (3 internal + 3 external + 8 others) credits are achieved in a designated course.

National Certificate of Educational Achievement ? Level 1

To earn a Level one National Certificate of Educational Achievement,
students need to gain 80 credits at any level,
including 10 credits in both numeracy and literacy. 

For more information on NCEA refer to the NZQA website:www.nzqa.govt.nz