National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA)
National Certificate in Educational Achievement is the main New Zealand qualification for secondary school students. Most NCEA courses assessed are a combination of internal assessment (by the school) and external assessment (by examination or outside marking of portfolios), with ?credits? earned going towards the NCEA qualification.
Knowledge and skills will be assessed using ?Achievement Standards? with results being recognised at four levels:
? Not Achieved
? Achieved
? Achieved with Merit
? Achieved with Excellence
Courses that offer ?Unit Standards? are also credited towards NCEA at Level 1, 2 and 3. These standards are all internally assessed, with results being recognised at two levels:
? Not Achieved
? Achieved
NCEA is intended to act as a learning goal and to encourage lifelong learning. Students will start to earn credits at high school and will continue to build up their credits with a tertiary provider or in the workplace.
Level Endorsement - Merit or Excellence
Obtained if 50 Merit and/or Excellence credits are achieved.
Course Endorsement - Merit or Excellence
Obtained if 14 Merit and/or Excellence (3 internal + 3 external + 8 others) credits are achieved in a designated course.
New Zealand Scholarship
New Zealand Scholarship is a separate award from NCEA, and is assessed by way of external assessment only. The assessments are separate from the Level 3 assessments. A New Zealand Scholarship is awarded if a student achieves the scholarship standard in 3 subjects. Students can also gain awards in individual subjects.
NZQA Brochures
A range of publications and resources are produced by NZQA, this includes pamphlets in different languages to support student and community understanding of NCEA. They are available in English, Te reo M?ori, Niuean, Samoan Cook Island Maori and Tongan.
Go to to download the relevant brochure.
NZQA Examination Timetable 2016
NZQA Fees & Financial Assistance
The fees are set by NZQA. The school simple acts as a collection agent.
$ NCEA Level 1, 2, 3 $76.70.
$ Scholarship $30 per subject
Prices include GST
For a more detailed fee structure log onto
If you think you may not be able to afford the fees, then you may apply for financial assistance. For an application form log onto
Please talk to your Tutor, Whanau Deans or any of your teachers if you are not sure what to do.
Fee Collection
It is important to pay your NCEA fees as early as possible. The deadline for fee collection is by the end of August. A late fee of $50 is charged by NZQA if you miss this deadline. In order for you to have credits recorded on your record of achievement or to be awarded a NCEA Certificate you must pay the fees or have received financial assistance. Please pay at the school business centre.