Current Year 12 Students, by now you should have a career in mind and an idea of where you want to go when you leave school e.g. a tertiary course, apprenticeship training, straight into paid employment. Make sure that the courses you choose allow you to get to where you want to go next.
All students study five courses.
- There are no compulsory courses
- Students choose five courses from any level.
- Most Level 3 courses have prerequisites which must be met before the course can be taken
- A list of Level 3 course prerequisites is available with each course descriptor
Level 3 NCEA courses are made up of both internal and external assessments.
In some cases where students in Year 13 have not yet achieved Level 2 NCEA, they may decide to study a combination of Level 2 courses to complete this certificate and Level 3 courses so that they also work towards achieving Level 3 NCEA. There is also an opportunity to study a course which will offer a combination of Level 2 and 3 credits.
Level Endorsement - Merit or Excellence
Obtained if 50 Merit and/or Excellence credits are achieved.
Course Endorsement - Merit or Excellence
Obtained if 14 Merit and/or Excellence (3 internal + 3 external + 8 others) credits are achieved in a designated course.
Scholarships ? A separate Scholarship exam will be offered for students to sit if they desire.
National Certificate Unit Standards - Students who successfully complete National Certificate Unit Standards will have them recorded on their Record of Learning.
Entry requirements for University are available in the section dealing with minimum qualifications for University Entrance
Note: For entry requirements for other tertiary providers please check with Careers
National Certificate of Educational Achievement ? Level 3
To earn a Level 3 National Certificate in Educational Achievement,
students will need to gain 80 credits, 60 from Level 3 or above plus 20 from Level 2 or above.
For more information on NCEA refer to the NZQA website: