Level 2

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Current Year 11 Students, hopefully by now you have a career in mind? Make sure that the courses you choose allow you to follow the career pathway you would like. All students study six courses or a package of courses as part of a Trades Academy option. 

  • University Entrance literacy credits can be found in a range of courses, not just English (check course descriptions carefully for specific details).  
  • University of Auckland entrance requirements can only be achieved by gaining 17 Level 2 and / or 3 English credits or by doing a foundation English course at University.
  • A Year 12 student may undertake a multilevel course with some standards at both Level 1 and 2.
  • Most Level 2 courses have prerequisites which must be met before the course can be taken.  A list of Level 2 course prerequisites is available with each course descriptor.
  • There are a wide range of courses available at Level 2 so students should carefully consider which courses lead to their future pathway including specific Level 3 courses, University or Tertiary courses.

Level Endorsement - Merit or Excellence 

Obtained if 50 Merit and/or Excellence credits are achieved.


Course Endorsement - Merit or Excellence 

Obtained if 14 Merit and/or Excellence (3 internal + 3 external + 8 others) credits are achieved in a designated course.


National Certificate of Educational Achievement ? Level 2


To earn a Level 2 National Certificate of Educational Achievement,
students need to gain 80 credits, 60 from Level 2 or above plus 20 from any level.



                                                For more information on NCEA refer to the NZQA website: www.nzqa.govt.nz